New Other: Item is in New condition, possibly open box but appears new.
Working Condition: Item has been powered on and appears to work. This grade is typically reserved for electronics and appliances. Working Condition Verified items often originate from returns or business liquidations.
Good Condition: Item is free of major damage or defects. The item may or may not be in the original packaging, packaging may be less than perfect, hardware may be missing, or product may have been opened previously. Minor scrapes, and cosmetic damage may be present. Good Condition items often come from returns, shelf pulls, overstock, or displays.
As Is: Item could have been previously used, and could have missing parts, missing original packaging. Item could potentially have obvious signs of damage or defects. There are no guarantees to the quality, or functionality of As Is items. We try our best to accurately list the item, but information such as model, size, color etc, could be missing. As Is items often are obtained from returns, shelf pulls, refurbishes, or store liquidations.